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Issue managementconstruction issue

Planroom Track enhances the issue management possiblities for your Project. On-site with your mobile device of choice, you can specify faults and deficiencies tagged on specific locations in a building, and document these with photos, descriptions and location on floor plans and assign the responsible professional trade. 

There are no limitations on the number of issue lists created. Neither in the number of users that can be associated with Planroom Track. Typically, lists for the delivery and QC-phases of the project is created incl. all related professional trades. 

For each issue there is a detail view. Other issues from the same list are also displayed, and it is quick to switch to the next issue. If a floor plan is uploaded then a pin will display the location of the issue. With a single click on the floor plan, you can see the issue in a separate view. 

Issues follow pre-defined workflows, enabling subcontractors to mark issues as resolved and general contractor to approve the resolution of the issue. When rejecting, the issue goes back to the subcontractor for additional work. All changes, comments, and timestamps are kept and made visible to all relevant parties. 

The actual creation of an issue can be done at the physical location where they occur and registered with the use of the Planroom Track App. Creation of an issue can also be done directly from the Planroom web. When using the App, off-line mode allows for speedy work without internet access. 

Reports for issue lists can be generated in multiple formats, PDF, Word or Excel. Various options are available for including or excluding data for the report.

Planroom Track

Devices with images

Planroom Track is the unified app for Planroom users working with Issues, Quality Control, Audits, Quality Assurance, Technical Requests and Hand-over of construction projects across all sectors. Planroom Track is available as a responsive online/offline app for iPhone, iPad, android phones and tablets as well as online using your internet browser. 

With Track, the drawing materials of the buildings of the project are organized with floors and zones. Each Zone can have its own plan drawing. Professional trades are created and responsible companies and users invited hereto. Buildings and Trades are assigned access only to select lists and forms of the Project. For hand-over to the future owners, anonymous Zone Users can automatically be created and connected to the individual flats, stores or office areas in the building. All lists and forms are built with privacy concerns, so that users only see what is relevant to their own role in the project - be it their own trade or their future home or office zone. All interactions are logged, and made visible in Track for transparancy. Planroom Track works equally well both online and offline making it ideal for those poor mobile reception areas. 

In Track, you can easily create different filters, so you can quickly find the information required. These filter combinations can be stored in the system synchronized across your devices so they do not have to be specified each time.

Reports can be generated in multiple formats, PDF, Word or Excel. Various options are available for including or excluding data for the report. All users are able to create reports based on what they have access to. 

Planroom Track has no limitations on the number of lists created for a single project. Neither in the number of users that can be associated with Planroom Track. Invitations of additional users is easy and only requires the e-mail address of the invitee. 

You can buy Planroom Track standalone, or as an add-on to the Planroom Project product. Combine the two, and qualify for an additional discount. Contact us now to learn more!